Grief Recovery Coaching Testimonials
this way, back to you...
Grief Recovery Coaching - Initial Consultations
Testimonials From Our Life Without Grief Breakthrough Calls
Even after 5+ years of conducting grief recovery consultations, or as I more aptly refer to them as, Life Without Grief Breakthrough Calls... I continue to be not only inspired, but frequently I am still astounded at the sheer extent of progress made and scope of change reflected in participant mindsets, tones, attitudes, spirits and perceived possibilities within merely minutes of starting the conversation.
I can't even begin to describe just how incredible it is having that initial conversation with someone who is agonizingly and hopelessly stuck in the thrall of debilitating grief, guilt, sorrow and excruciating pain; and hearing their perspective and options fundamentally expand, right there, on the call. Often participants speak about the weight that been lifted off them, having a newfound sense of hope, being surprised they'd felt so relaxed, comfortable and inspired during the call. Often times, I find myself feeling like I'm no longer talking to the same person that started the call at all.
However, the truth is my descriptions don't really do the calls justice. Instead, click play below and listen for yourself as past Breakthrough Call participants describe the results in their heartfelt words.
Stronger Than Grief Breakthrough Call Testimonials
Pat Testimonial_Life Without Grief Breakthrough Call
Dixie Testimonial_Life Without Grief Breakthrough Call
Jamie_Testimonial for Life Without Grief Breakthrough Call
Jackie Testimonial_Life Without Grief Breakthrough Call
More Breakthrough Call Testimonials
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Patricia Testimonial_Life Without Grief Breakthrough Call
Grief Recovery and Empowerment Coaching
Testimonials From Grief Recovery Coaching Clients
Let's say by the end of your highly-uplifting and inspiring Breakthrough Call you begin to wonder what comes next? You've got this newfound knowledge, awareness and motivation - yet how will you best proceed from here? Optimally, either you'll be a match for, and be interested in, one of our Coaching offerings so we can keep working together to get you back to the kind of life you would prefer to be living. Or otherwise, having gotten all the insight needed to navigate your own journey to the finish line, you leave the call empowered and fully equipped to commence, once and for all, reclaiming your life and finally leaving the weight of all of this pain and misery far behind.
Just imagine being able to rid yourself of much to the pain and sorrow that's been weighing you down for so long now - while simultaneously having your clarity and depth of love for your lost loved one only grow. I'm here to tell you that's entirely possible. Whether you can get yourself there on your own or you need a little help... Wouldn't you agree that that's exactly where your loved one, looking down from above, wants you to be?
Click play below to get a better sense, and perhaps a little motivation, for the changes that could be in store...