Grief Recovery and Empowerment Coaching
(this way, back to you...)
Grief Recovery Coaching - Private Sessions
What Grief Recovery and Empowerment Coaching Is...
Focusing on grief recovery for the past 5+ years, I’ve honed a powerful methodology, enabling Survivors like yourself - to finally break free from the oppressive pain and anguish, and reclaim direction and happiness in their lives again. Via a combination of vital insights, counter-intuitive perspective and invaluable tools Coaching lights their way to considerably brighter days.
It's important to note, by no means is this about merely swapping or commiserating together because there’s nothing else that can be done. And it's not about having someone merely listen and offer tissues until you're told your time's up for today. No. This is specialized, highly-personalized, results-based, 1-on-1 grief recovery insight, tools, techniques and support to nullify even the most debilitating grief and guilt... the most excruciating pain and sorrow. You'll learn to better manage out-of-control emotions, effectively mend strained relations, reclaim your productive edge at work and eliminate the non-stop noise and pressure – permitting the reemergence of solace, gratitude, hope and love. Leading to a considerably greater awareness of, and connection with, their lost loved one’s presence for many...
So, if a proven road-map, with an experienced, patient yet persistent, highly-supportive Coach is what you need... If a healthier, more loving path that best honors your lost loved one - is the one you most want to forge... Then, you're in the right place. And I’ve got the perfect opportunity for you!
We Succeed Where Others Haven't
You're surviving potentially the greatest devastation this life has to offer. Tasks as mundane as getting out of bed and going to work at times can feel unbearable. Life is different now. Darker, angrier, lonelier and emptier... Hopelessness consumes you. And there's no end to the pain and misery in sight.
Your life, career, relationships, sense of direction, confidence, hopes and dreams are all casualties. You're alone - stuck in this all-consuming pit. No one understands - or, perhaps even, cares.
Here's the question... What if it doesn't have to stay that way? What if others, similarly stuck, have been shown how to move forward? What if, much like everything else in our lives, grief becomes considerably easier once you know how to handle it? What would that be worth to you to release much of the pain and misery? What would it be worth to your family? What would it mean to salvage the months and years that would have been lost? What if this is your best opportunity to do just that?
Know this... It's definitely possible to overcome this – and commence feeling happiness and peace of mind again. It is the very reason we do what we do...
Need To Be Convinced Its's Time to Move Forward?
Just ask yourself to what extent you continue to be agonizingly stuck - and to what extent some of these are the reasons why;:
Has debilitating grief and pain taken control of your life - completely overwhelming everything else?
Are you haunted by excruciating guilt over your inability to save your loved one - or over deep-seated issues within the relationship that had yet been resolved?
Is it a constant struggle some days not to simply lose it… not to feel like you’re going a bit crazier every day?
Has every other attempt to find a way out of the darkness and continuous pain and heartache failed – leaving you just as lost and emotionally wrecked as you started?
Are you so frustrated with yourself because you’ve always been counted on to be the strong one – and all of this has rendered you powerless and weak?
Do you struggle to connect with your children and/or spouse – lacking any know-how or motivation to get things turned back around?
Have you been so ashamed, in deep hiding or masking your true feelings for so long that you’re paralyzed at the thought of facing your true emotions and fears?
Do you feel largely incapable, ashamed or unworthy of happiness, on any level and in any respect?
Are you fearful a lifetime stuck in this dark and painful debilitating state of heartache, hopelessness and misery is your only possible future from here?
Does all this leave you ashamed and crushed – because you feel like a failure… letting your lost loved one down?
This results-based grief recovery methodology has helped many to a considerably better path. And because you've found your way here, now you too have the opportunity to do the same. The only question is... Are you truly ready to learn what's necessary to free yourself from the clutches of devastating grief - and finally commence to reclaim your life again?
If so, then signing up for this most important exploratory, free of charge, Breakthrough Call to see how exactly we can help you - is merely a few clicks away...
Request A Grief Recovery Consultation (See How We Can Help)
"The help that you never ask for, most assuredly never arrives..." - Coach D Anthony
What’s The Breakthrough Call?
It's a incredibly-supportive and empowering 1-on-1 exploratory call with me, offering invaluable insight and clarity for commencing to escape the clutches of the oppressive grief and pain that's been so overwhelming. At the very least, you'll walk away from the call with new perspective and an uplifted spirit. And at most, a newfound sense of hope and a new lease on life... And all that from a call that costs absolutely nothing but for you to commit the time...
You are invited to check out some testimonials from a few past participants below, then click the Request Your Breakthrough Call button to request your Breakthrough Call.